(718) 884-3700
Our vision is: “We want to satisfy all our customers’ financial needs and help them succeed financially.”
It is just as relevant today as when it was written more than 20 years ago. In fact, we didn’t know then that at only 88 characters, it would be succinct enough to tweet today!
Our vision of financially satisfied, successful customers is based on a simple premise. We believe customers across all business segments can be better served, and save time and money, if they bring all their financial services to one trusted provider that knows them well, provides trusted guidance and advice, and can serve their full range of financial needs through a wide choice of products and services.
Our journey toward this customer-centric vision has required hard work, persistence and determination. We’ve made steady progress toward this goal. But we still have much to learn, teach and share and, as always, more of our customers’ financial needs to satisfy. For example, our own customers still give about half their financial business to our competitors! Our job—central to our vision—is to make it easy for customers to bring more of their business to us so we can satisfy all their financial needs.
Our vision has nothing to do with transactions, pushing products or getting bigger for the sake of bigness. It’s about building lifelong relationships one customer at a time.
Each of our customers defines “financial success” differently and very personally. This could include the desire for financial security and self-sufficiency or the desire to be financially literate. It could include the desire to be disciplined and focused on spending and saving so customers can afford their own home, start or grow a business, save for education or prepare for retirement. Knowing what financial success means to each of our customers is the starting point for serving each of them well.
The reason we wake up in the morning is to help our customers succeed financially and to satisfy all their financial needs. The result is we make money because of our focus on serving customers, not the other way around. This time-tested vision will forever be what matters to Wells Fargo. We’ll never put the stagecoach ahead of the horses.