Exhibits-September 29, 2013

Businesses along South Riverdale will held shopping specials, served delicious food, hosted special activities and more on September 29th!

Kids loved KRVC's BLOCKs exhibit!

Kidaroo hosted Scribble Art, Pumpkin Decorating and more right in the middle of the block, where they were joined by Riverdale Nursery School/RNSFC and Bedrock Preschool.  RNSFC will have an open ended lego & play-dough table and we will have a take away planting project! Kids were invited to the BedRock Preschool table to sculpt their own play-doh creation! Layers and layers of fun were had at this station on Sunday, Sept 29th. BedRock's homemade play-doh provides a fun, safe and educational way for children to explore with their senses and develop their fine motor skills. Everyone took home free samples of BedRock's play-doh and was invited to enjoy their secret recipe to make this wonderful developmental tool in their home!

John's Botany Bay will be held flower arranging classes and decorated the block with beautiful fall decorations.

Riverdale Midtown Physical Therapy gave away tote bags and ice packs and hosted a free 'enter to win" massage and stretch session

DJ Drugs had a clown, face painting and decorated the block with 300 balloons!

Flamenco Dancers at Tin Marin were a big hit.

Popcorn Pawz Truck's was fun with a Free Dog Food Giveaway.

Shoppers enjoyed a 10% Discount at Designers Corner and Palombo's when they mentioned their festival booklet ads.

JJ Vineyards offered a 10% discount on wine.

The Whole You Spa offered discounts on its popular massages and facials, as well as a chance to meet with acupuncturist Gregory Kuperman for a free consultation.

Tiny's Diner offered great food for the day!

Larry The Locksmith and Hardware held a raffle and the prize was a shopping cart full of gifts!

People were invited to come on into Curves for a free Fitness Assessment and tour. Plus complimentary body fat & BMI check at Curves! All new members that joined on Sunday, September 29th paid NO SERVICE FEE and received a FREE Curves Bag! People were invited to stop in and see how Curves is strengthening millions of women everyday and to find out more about our Curves Complete program...the whole solution that makes burning fat as easy as 1,2,3 with our Exercise, Meal Plan & Coaching all in one place! Plus our exciting "Curves Circuit with Zumba" classes. Curves is a complete Cardio & Strength-Training workout in just 30 minutes, where you can burn up to 500 calories every time!

Real Estate Exhibit at Sotheby’s International Realty – Exceptional real estate photography of the most striking homes in our collection. Imagery presents a stunning first impression of a home. Visit our window exhibit and high resolution flat screen display of exclusive homes in Riverdale and around the world. Complimentary first time home buyer packages, mortgage and interest rate up-dates and real estate information available. Stop by the Sotheby’s International Realty office at 3732 Riverdale Avenue and inquire within.

Luke Montgomery runs Kids Rock U, which features the Music for Aardvarks children's music program for Riverdale and the Bronx. He has been holding music classes in the lower level studio at Sotheby's International Realty at 3732 Riverdale Avenue for two years now, and in that time membership has grown into the hundreds of families. Children 0-5 and their parents love singing, dancing, and jamming out on the instruments his classes provide. He is a lifelong professional musician who happens to genuinely like children, so this is the perfect "gig" for him. Kids were invited to attend a complimentary class on September 29th at 2:00 pm.   kidsrocku@gmail.com.