Festival Highlights - 9-21-14

This event featured a stage with live music, clowns, original art, children's activities, food, shopping specials,raffles,business exhibits, a non-perishable food drive and much more!!

Mainstage Schedule:
12:00 p.m. Riverdale Children's Theatre

12:30 p.m. Riverdale Music Studio Students

1:00 p.m. The Alma Micic and Rale Micic Quartet

2:00 p.m. Super Hi Fi

3:00 p.m. Marni Rice

Street performers:
Adam Auslander
Dawn Jones

Thank you to our event sponsors. Please support our major sponsors and also support the sponsors for this event you can view all our sponsor logos on this image.

New! This year, The Riverdale Press showed its support by producing a full-color tabloid-size event program, distributed with the newspaper during the week before the event to 10,000 area homes and at the festival — and every sponsor will receive a full-color ad. The entire program is displayed on our website and on the Riverdale Press website, too.

Visit our block festival program page for more information about all our festivals!