KRVC's “Broadway in the Bronx” vision was inspired in part the by a report “Under the Elevated” released in March 2015 by the Design Trust, the Department of Transportation and other sources.
From the Under the Elevated report: “The Under the Elevated project is based on an overarching premise: that the city’s nearly 700 miles of elevated infrastructure and the spaces beneath and along it proffer an unparalleled citywide and neighborhood resource. At the same time, the multiple jurisdictions, and complex site conditions pose challenges to planning, designing, and maintaining the infrastructure and land that require a systematic, comprehensive approach to el-space.” The report describes El Space assets, makes recommendations for green streets and plazas, community art, events, acoustic barriers, elevated lighting, environmental sustainability and linking elevated trains to vital resources.
The concept for the elevated park at the end of the train line was inspired by a photo taken of the Manhattan highline.
The concept for a pedestrian walk way above the highline was inspired by a Department of Transportation photo of the Williamsburg Bridge (above).