KRVC's Support of the South Riverdale Avenue Merchants Association

KRVC has supported and worked closely with the South Riverdale Avenue Merchants Association, which formed and incorporated in the spring of 2010.  KRVC held three news conferences with the Association in 2010.  In July of 2010, at an event organized by KRVC, the South Riverdale Avenue Merchants Association celebrated the Street Beautification program funded by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz.  Later that month, KRVC released a Community Restaurant Guide at an event held on South Riverdale Avenue.  The event was attended by Council Member Koppell, who funded the guide and Ellen Feld, President of the  South Riverdale Avenue Merchants Association. In December of 2010, at an event organized by KRVC and held at Sotheby’s International Realty, the South Riverdale Avenue Merchants Association celebrated the Holiday Decorations program funded by Assemblyman Dinowitz. The program provided the merchants along South Riverdale and Johnson Avenues with their choice of a festive wreath or sparkling snowflake to hang on their door or in their store window.A highlight of the event was a performance by members of the PS 24 Glee Club.  The children treated the merchants to holiday songs to celebrate the new holiday decorations along the Avenues. In the Spring of 2011, KRVC organized an art and music festival with the Association on South Riverdale Avenue.  The event was supported by many businesses and organizations and featured live music, original art exhibits, children’s activities, shopping specials and much, much more. In December of 2012, September 2013 and May 2014, KRVC organized much larger block festivals with the South Riverdale Avenue Merchants Association. These events featured live music, pony rides, a petting zoo, a rock wall, pumpkin decorating, a puppet show, a bouncy castle and much more right on the Avenue!