Local Resident Discount Program

The best customers are regular customers.  The best chance to develop a regular customer base is to appeal to the local residents.  A good way to bring in local residents as your best customers is to offer them discounts.  The more special customers are treated the more likely they are to become regular customers.  Businesses can opt to participate in this program by offering local residents any sort of discount.  The shopping incentive could be a percentage off, buy one get one free or half off, discount coupons or whatever sort of special offer they wish.  KRVC will provide participating businesses with decals and signs for their stores, which identify them as participants in this program and flyers that will list all the participating businesses.  KRVC will also promote the program and its participants online via our website and eblasts.  The mechanics of the program are simple:  Residents will show proof of  their Marble Hill address to participating merchants and the merchants will offer their local resident discount to the local shoppers.  Click here to enroll in this program or use the form posted below.

Click here to view photos and a write up of the Launch Event for this great program