Exciting News!
KRVC to Honor the North Riverdale Merchant and Business Association for its ongoing Riverdale Bronx, NYC Smart Growth Plan at our upcoming gala!
Award to be Accepted by Gary Wartels, President, and Chris Rizzo, Project Chair.
Business Directory of Association Members
Neighborhood Directory of Association Members
The North Riverdale Merchant and Business Association is a non-profit organization that promotes a positive business and community environment. Our mission is to provide a community friendly shopping area while expanding the economic growth and vitality of North Riverdale. We are a growing network of local businesses that outreach to the community through organized events, beautification projects, and business advocacy. The Association recruits businesses, property owners, civic groups, and individual members who share these goals and reside or work in the North Riverdale community. We hold monthly meetings that are open to the local businesses and the Riverdale community. The term “North Riverdale” includes Broadway from 242nd Street to the City Line; Mosholu Parkway from Broadway to West 254th Street; Riverdale Avenue from West 254th Street to the City Line; and commercial streets adjacent to these three streets. Our vision and goals are to improve North Riverdale by attracting and retaining high-quality institutions, businesses, and investments in North Riverdale. We aim to organize events in and around North Riverdale that enrich our community and by partnering with our local elected officials hope to leverage and maximize city and state resources. In cooperation with residents, businesses, local non-profit organizations, and civic leaders we are always moving towards our core goal of improving the experience that is North Riverdale. To date the group has been highly active and motivated and has achieved a number of these goals which include but are not limited to:
*Providing financial support to local institutions such as The Friends of Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx Arts Ensemble, and Kingsbridge Riverdale Van Cortlandt Development Corporation.
*Sponsored annual North Riverdale Street Fairs
*Partnered with The Riverdale Neighborhood House for the placement and maintenance of Department of Sanitation Recycling Containers
*Partnered with Councilman Oliver Koppell’s office to organize the planting of 28 new trees along Riverdale Avenue through the MillionTreesNYC project
*Supported local elected officials in applying for a Neighborhood Slow Zone in reaction to public requests for safer traffic areas
*Conducted business education workshops, hosted regular networking events, and remained vigilant about building a growing membership coalition comprised mainly of residents who are passionate about addressing deterioration of our town center.
The community has taken notice, and it has led to a number of recognition awards over the last year that include official Proclamations of Gratitude from the Office of State Senator Jeffrey Klein, and the Office of Councilman Oliver Koppell, as well as the prestigious Riverdale Neighborhood House “Good Neighbor” Award which has been annually awarded for decades to Riverdale residents in recognition for roles of leadership in advancement of our community.
One of the Association’s signature projects is a streetscape improvement project that will unfold over the next two years and benefit the community for decades to come. We are organizing a committee of local stakeholders that goes beyond the Association’s membership and includes representatives of Wave Hill, The College of Mount Saint Vincent, local school representatives, and civic organization leaders. The Association intends to raise funds to develop a streetscape beautification plan and seeks to secure New York City and New York State resources to implement its goals.
Click here to contact us and join us in our efforts.