Our first art show at Amalgamated Housing's Vladeck Hall was a wonderful success. We hosted twenty artists displaying and selling their fine art including paintings, sculpture, mixed media, print work, quilting, and photography. Hundreds of community members came out and had the opportunity to connect with the artists and discover their work. Thank you to everyone at Amalgamated who helped make it a beautiful day. Thanks to our curator, Suzanne Hockstein, for putting the show together. Thank you to Nitzan Gavrieli for his gorgeous piano playing all afternoon. Mostly, thanks to all the artists who participated and shared their work including Suzanne Axelbank, Sandra Ayala, Brenda Bergman, Ivan Braun, Carmen Corrigan, Rio Davies, Valerie Deas, Anne Gibbons, Deborah Grinberg, Daniel Hauben, Amy Kerwin, Theresa La Marca, Keith McDermott, Ira Merritt, Jay Moss, Jordan Moss, Ayde Rayas, Aija Sears and Ardina Seward. Special thanks to Arnie Adler and Jack Spiegel for these beautiful photos.