
Oct 12, 2011

Promo Event for the Riverdale Festival of the Arts

Elisa Contemporary Art Gallery was the place to be for this great Promo Event for the upcoming Riverdale Festival of the Arts!  We got great media coverage for our "sneak preview" of the larger event.  The event featured some of the original art that will be shown at the festival, a press packet and performers.  Check out the... read more

Oct 24, 2010

Fall Funday!

Today, PS 81, the Riverdale Neighborhood House/RNH, State Senator Jeffrey Klein, KRVC and Community Board 8 held a special community event in North Riverdale. The day included many fun Halloween activities, food, music, crafts, games, costumes, fresh produce, including pumpkins and apples, and much, much more.

On the tennis... read more

Sep 23, 2010

Stop Graffiti Day at PS 24

Through funding we receive from Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, KRVC has been managing a Community Graffiti Clean-Up program over the past several years.  This fall, we launched a new component of this important initiative – an awareness and education program .  This program includes Stop Graffiti Days at area schools, our first one... read more

Aug 21, 2010

Kids Day at Citibank

Citibank’s Kingsbridge Branch held a Kids Day Event on today and KRVC helped promote the event, which featured cotton candy, face painting, crafts, guitar playing and a special visit from Mr. Met, the colorful mascot for the NY Mets.  KRVC also staffed a table at the event. Citibank gave away free “... read more
