Daily News/KRVC - Experience Riverdale!

iMay 01, 2014

Today, the Daily News released a special section:  Experience Riverdale.  This section, produced by the Daily News in partnership with KRVC boasts the subtitle:  Celebrate the River in Riverdale.  It includes photos, maps and articles about our community (a few are shown below); Click here to view the whole section.  The section also served as the program for our recent block festival. The special section is also filled with information about the Friends of the Hudson River Greenway's Initiative to achieve riverfront access for our community, which KRVC wholly supports. Experience Riverdale was supported by many of our local businesses and institutions who placed advertisements in this widely circulated publicition.80,000 copies of the section were distributed in the Bronx, Lower Westchester and Upper Manhattan.  Another 5,000 copies were distributed by hawkers in high-traffic commuting areas on May 2nd.  There were another three hundred copies of the section at KRVC's May 4th festival. 

Cover Shot:  Clockwise (back to front): Cliff Stanton, Public Relations Coordinator, Riverdale RiverFest; Councilman Andrew Cohen; Daniel Reingold, President and CEO, Hebrew Home (photo taken on grounds of Hebrew Home); Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz; Congressman Eliot Engel; State Senator Jeff Klein; Paul Elston, President, Friends of the Hudson River Greenway; Jack Lehnert, Board Member, Friends of the Hudson River Greenway; Tracy McCabe Shelton, Executive Director, Kingsbridge-Riverdale-Van Cortlandt Development Corporation; Yael Levy, co-Founder and co-Coordinator, Riverdale RiverFest; Claudia Bonn, President and Executive Director, Wave Hill; Ethan Strell, Board Member, Friends of the Hudson River Greenway.