The photo above was taken from the 254th Street Station window.
KRVC's Executive Director, Tracy McCabe Shelton, joined dozens of community leaders and members today for a Community Board 8 tour and talk on the greenway.
The group first gathered and listened to an introduction from Philip Friedman, who heads up the Community Board's new greenway committee, along with Bob Bender and Laura Spalter. Then, we walked through the 254th street station and out onto Riverdale Station Park.
The Community Board's greenway meeting and site visit dates will be published at the Board’s web site: Additionally, CB 8 is working to add a Greenway section to the Board’s site for posting of meeting minutes and other documents for everyone’s review. This should be up in the coming days and populated with documents shortly thereafter. Please check the Board’s web site regularly for updates.
For reference the Board’s information is as follows: Bronx Community Board 8, 5676 Riverdale Avenue, Suite 100, Bronx, NY 10471, (718) 884-3959, bx08@cb.nyc.gov
CB 8 is requesting assistance with various aspects of research for this project. They are working on creating a task list and timeline for items needing completion. Once composed, they will be asking assistance for specific tasks. In the meantime, if you have a skillset which you feel would assist advancing our efforts and are willing to assist, please let the board know.
The greenway committee is planning multiple site visits and meetings in hope of engaging and being available to many interested parties.
The Board's intent is for the meetings to summarize efforts to-date as well as open discussion by the all interested parties. The bulk of effort will be between meetings in consolidating, review and organization of a great deal of information.
This particular effort by this Special Committee concludes in June 2015. The time is limited but the board believes that the community's collective efforts over the coming months will move this project closer to implementation.
KRVC fully supports this CB 8 Initiative and hopes many community organizations, leaders and members will contribute to this effort.