Jul 18, 2014
Movie Night Promo on Johnson Avenue

Today we set up a table on Johnson Avenue to promote our upcoming Summer Movies in the Park series. We handed out postcards and staffed a Lego Table for the kids. One of the movies we are showing this summer is The Lego Movie! Special thanks to Linda Manning and Farrah Rubin for staffing the table and hanging posters for the event... read more
Jul 12, 2014
Marble Hill Merchant Organizing Initiative

KRVC received a grant from the NYC Small Business Services to do merchant organizing in Marble Hill! We are thrilled to launch this initiative, which will include:
... read more
Jul 01, 2014
KRVC Announces 2014-2015 Grants!

City Council Discretionary Funding Grant - We are grateful to Councilmember Andrew Cohen for a $15,000 allocation so that KRVC can produce a "Meet the Riverdale Merchants" movie similar to the one we produced last year in Woodlawn:
We plan to... read more
Jun 15, 2014
Riverdale RiverFest 2014!

Today our community was treated to our fifth annual Riverdale RiverFest!! The event featured filled-to-capacity boat rides on the Hudson, two stages with live music all day, two bouncy castles, pony rides; professional performers including jugglers, stilt walkers, trapeze artists and... read more
Jun 11, 2014
Riverdale RiverFest Program in Today's Riverdale Press

Today's Riverdale Press contained the Riverdale RiverFest program. Click here to view the 28 page program filled with information about the festival and the greenway and... read more
Jun 10, 2014
Community Board 8 Passes Greenway Resolution & Greenway Survey Launched by RiverFest Committee

KRVC's Executive Director, Tracy McCabe, brought a Pirate Ship filled with hundreds of postcards signed by community members to tonight's Community Board 8 meeting. While she spoke in favor of the greenway resolution and riverfront access for Riverdale, RiverFest organizer, Yael Levy, held the ship with postcards designed to... read more