
Apr 07, 2011

Stop Graffiti Jeopardy at RKA

Stop Graffiti Jeopardy was a big hit at RKA.  The news release for the event can be found on our publications page.

Mar 18, 2011


North Riverdale merchants celebrated Orange! at Elisa Contemporary Art.  The event was covered by News 12 and the Riverdale Press.  You can see the clips and press packet on our publications and clips pages.

Mar 10, 2011

Woodlawn Heights Merchants Meeting

KRVC, The Woodlawn Taxpayers Association and State Senator Klein organized a meeting attended by dozens of merchants at the Rambling House to discuss the formation of a Woodlawn Heights Merchants Association.

Dec 10, 2010

Holiday Decorations in South Riverdale

PS 24's Glee Club sang holiday songs in Sotheby's and all along South Riverdale and Johnson Avenues to celebrate the holiday decorations the stores have thanks to the generosity of Assemblyman Dinowitz.  The event was covered by the Riverdale Press and News 12.  Ellen Feld, President of the South Riverdale Avenue Merchants Association... read more

Nov 21, 2010

Holiday Shopping Shuttle

Today's Holiday Shopping Shuttle was a HUGE hit with shoppers, business owners and the media!  KRVC also released a Holiday Shopping Guide. The guide is on our publications page and the media coverage including the NY 1 Clip can be found on our clips page.

It was a great... read more

Oct 24, 2010

Fall Funday!

Today, PS 81, the Riverdale Neighborhood House/RNH, State Senator Jeffrey Klein, KRVC and Community Board 8 held a special community event in North Riverdale. The day included many fun Halloween activities, food, music, crafts, games, costumes, fresh produce, including pumpkins and apples, and much, much more.

On the tennis... read more
