Jul 28, 2010
Restaurant Guide Released Today!

Today, KRVC released a Community Restaurant Guide at an event held at Jasper’s Restaurant. The event was attended by Council Member G. Oliver Koppell, who funded the guide, and by Tracy Shelton, KRVC’s Executive... read more
Jul 23, 2010
Street Beautifcation

Today, at an event organized by KRVC, the South Riverdale Avenue Merchants Association celebrated the Street Beautification program funded by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz. The program covers approximately 40 tree pits that span the commercial areas located on South Riverdale and Johnson Avenues... read more
Jun 15, 2010
Go Green the Bronx Breakfast and Forum

KRVC launched our new Go Green the Bronx program to promote energy efficiency audits throughout our community in a BIG WAY Today! Through a generous grant from Con Edison, KRVC held an Energy Efficiency Forum and breakfast attended by over sixty members of our community representing small businesses, co-op boards, Community Board 8,... read more
Jun 04, 2010
Investigation of Noise under Kingsbridge Elevated Line (#1 train)
Maybe One Day Something Will Be Done About the Noise the Elevated Train Makes Along Broadway!
Dear Ms. Shelton:
In response to your inquiry into what improvements can be made to reduce train generated noise in the Kingsbridge area, Environmental Engineering conducted a street level survey of noise from passing trains... read more
Apr 26, 2010
KRVC Hires a New Executive Director

Tracy McCabe Shelton joined the KRVC team as the organization's Executive Director. Ms. Shelton comes to KRVC with a wealth of public interest and community service experience. She worked as a consumer attorney for the New York Public Interest Research/NYPIRG since 1992... read more
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