Our Jobs Networking Event welcomed approximately 200 job seekers over the course of the evening to meet with representatives from 14 local businesses and organizations about current available jobs and future positions. The Jobs Networking Event took place at The Riverdale Y where there was plenty of room for job seekers to talk with representatives about their skills and employment backgrounds and present their resumes. The Event afforded the businesses and organizations present the opportunity to recruit skilled local residents and to network.
The following companies and nonprofit organizations attended the Jobs Networking Event, offering a wide range of current open positions: Prudential; Wells Fargo; St. Patrick’s Home for the Aged and Infirm; Studio 360; Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers; Kingsbridge Heights Community Center; Montefiore Medical Center; Right at Home; The Riverdale Y; Avon; H & R Block; Hebrew Home of Riverdale; Delaj Hair Salon; New York-Presbyterian, The Allen Hospital. Some of the positions these businesses and organizations were looking to recruit for were: CNAs; Early Childhood After Care Teacher; Office Manager; Part Time Architect; Receptionist; LPNs; Salon Assistant; RPNs; Home Health Aides; Tax Preparers; Financial Advisors; ICU Technician; Social Media Specialist; Human Resources Coordinator; Dining Room Servers; Food Service Workers; Housekeepers; Maintenance Workers; Bank Tellers and After School Counselor.
One job seeker expressed her appreciation for the Event by outlining the reasons she was pleased to attend – “I met so many nice people and got inspired about places/careers/jobs I had not thought of. What a terrific, valuable event! Thank you, thank you.”
Of the evening, the attending businesses and organizations were very positive, for example: “This was a very nice event! We met wonderful people from the community,” Elaine Garcia, Human Resources Director, Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers.