The Kappock Street Poets brought out a full house for a provocative, funny and beautiful evening of poetry. They are a group of local writers who have been getting together since 2005 to support each other's literary work. They have won awards from The Bronx Council on the Arts, The Nation/92nd Street Y, and The Fine Arts Work Center. The evening featured pieces from Amy Gottlieb, Greg McDonald, David Mastrodonado, Tim Brown, Amy Joy Robateau, Anthony Purdy, Moses Hernandez, Sam Turner, Peggy Young, Soraya Shalforoosh, Dominic Mastrodonado and Wally Glickman, with music by Anthony Purdy. KRVC was really delighted to host this lovely group, and to give them an opportunity to share their work with the community.
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.