Special thanks to Councilmember Andrew Cohen's office for arranging for police officers from the 50th precinct to attend tonight's meeting. Captain Cordera and Sargeant Blackman pictured above with Community Board 8's Economic Development Committee Chair Sergio Villaverde, listened to concerns about traffic, shoplifting, vandalism and many general concerns about the safety and security of the shopping corridor in Marble Hill. They were very helpful and responsive. Then, Tracy McCabe Shelton addressed the merchants to review a proposed mission statement, goals, shopper's survey and logo concept for the group. All of which, including a recap of the last two meetings and the recent Local Resident Discount Program, are included in the November Newsletter she distributed. The shopper's survey will begin soon and the merchants will adopt a mission statement and nominate officers at the next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 27th at 7pm at Applebees. The vote on the mission statement and the officer nominations will take place at 8pm that evening.Special thanks to Jennifer Wynns, our Marble Hill Merchant Organizer, for continuing to bring in more merchant members to the group.
Check out the photos taken by Farrah Rubin, KRVC's Development Director, and her daughter Marin at the meeting.