Team KRVC is getting HUGE!!! In June, we packed ourselves into our tiny office for three KRVC Thursdays. We were fortunate to be one of a handful of New York City not-for-profits to be awarded a grant from the NYC Small Business Services for a year-long session with a not-for-profit coach. Since the fall of 2015, our coach Kim Mitchell (in the photo above - seated all the way to the right) has been working with KRVC's Executive Director as the she has headed up a challenging period of enormous growth and transition for the organization. With a new office and a growing team through the new KRVC jobs program, the not-for-profit coaching could not have come at a better time. The coaching session ends this month and the photos below are from tonight's KRVC Thursday and one of the previous KRVC Thursdays held earlier this month. The KRVC Thursdays will continue. They focus around team and program development for KRVC. Exciting stuff!!!