May 04, 2017
Great Coverage for our North Riverdale Festival in Today's Riverdale Press

Click here for a PDF of the article. Click here for all the details on this Sunday's Event.
Apr 27, 2017
Club KRVC Poetry Reading by Deborah Kahan Kolb

Deborah Kahan Kolb shared with us some of her poignant and personal poetry reflecting on her unique experiences and challenges of growing up in, and ultimately leaving, the insular world of Hasidic Judaism.
Deborah spoke about her creative process, and gave participants a chance to try their hand at writing with a poetry... read more
Apr 23, 2017
Culture-on-the-Go Truckin' Event

We held our first mobile Culture-on-the-Go Truckin' Event at the roof top parking lot in Riverdale Crossing next to Buffalo Wild Wings at 238th Street and Broadway in Kingsbridge. It was one of our first gorgeous spring days in the Bronx, and we had a tremendous turn out of families and kids enjoying the mini golf, bouncey house, face... read more
Apr 06, 2017
City Council Greenway Resolution Hearing Today!

KRVC's Cliff Stanton testified eloquently today at the New York City Parks Department Hearing on the Greenway Resolution posted last year by Councilmember Andrew Cohen. Hopefully the resolution will pass soon!
Apr 03, 2017
Bus Shelter Ad is up for Riverfest 2017!

RiverFest Bus Shelter ad looks great! Check it out on Riverdale Avenue at 236th Street!
Sponsors who want to be added to the ads we run in May on Riverdale Avenue at 236th Street and 256th Street and on 231st and Broadway should contact Farrah Rubin at Check out... read more
Mar 30, 2017
Jazz at Amalgamated 2017 - A Great Community Evening

KRVC was thrilled to produce our first cultural event at The Amalgamated Houses. The guests enjoyed refreshments and world class Jazz! It was a pleasure working with Doris Spencer and Jack Spiegel. BronxNet covered the event, which made it extra special! The crowd thoroughly enjoyed the quartet led by Eric Alexander (sax),... read more