
Feb 11, 2020

Census Bureau Jobs Workshop

David Beller, Partnership Specialist at the US Census Bureau, gave KRVC community members information about current employment opportunities at the US Census as the country gears up for the 2020 Census.  As well as outlining the many jobs on offer at the US Census Bureau, David showed people how to apply on line during the workshop.  ... read more

Jan 28, 2020

Business and Career Opportunities in the Cannabis Industry

Kimberly Arrezi from Chime & Chill and Stella Morrison from Canna Content joined Tanya Osborne from Women Grow to inform our community about current and upcoming career and business opportunities in the Cannabis Industry.  An overview of the current and upcoming legislation was provided and concrete examples of jobs and... read more

Jan 09, 2020

Gallery 505 Opening - Chapter 3

We had a full house for Jenae' Schwartz's opening, Chapter 3, of her paintings and mix media work. People from all over the community came to view her pieces and enjoy the evening with beautiful music from Sarah Jane Cion and Dave Levitt. Jenae's exhibit is up through February 28th. A few pieces sold at the opening, but there... read more

Nov 24, 2019

Art at Amalgamated Exhibit and Sale 2019

We had a wonderful time at our annual art exhibit and sale on Sunday, November 24th. Thanks to all the artists who came out with their work including Suzanne Axelbank, Sandra Ayala, Doris Cordero, Carmen Corrigan, Valerie Deas, Liz Guarracino, Herb Kaplan, Theresa LaMarca, Jonathan Lessuck, Keith McDermott, Diana McShane, Ira Merritt... read more

Nov 15, 2019

Art Exhibit Opening "Follow Your Path" - Stacey Natal

The opening of Stacey Natal's stunning art exhibit on November 7th was a wonderful evening. Gallery 505 was packed with community members who came out to support our local art community and take in Stacey's beautiful photographs. Thanks to Robert Mitchell and William Weisbach for the fantastic music. The exhibit is up until January... read more

Nov 15, 2019

Halloween 2019

So many beautiful and scary creatures stopped by KRVC for Halloween. We gave away pumpkins, amazing guitarist Steve Oates was there, some kids came inside to work on a craft project, and of course there was lots and lots of candy. Thanks so much to our sponsor Riverdale Family Orthodontics for giving away hundreds of toothbrushes, pop... read more
