Oct 29, 2019
Job and Volunteer Fair October 29, 2019

KRVC's October 29th Job and Volunteer Fair held at the Riverdale Neighborhood House saw a great turnout of job seekers and prospective volunteers! People brought their resumes to meet with a wide range of representatives and community members were pleased to find out about many local, rewarding volunteer opportunities. The following... read more
Sep 24, 2019
Safe Banking for Seniors: Identifying and Avoiding Scams

Ponce Bank's Marlon Barrett, Business Development Manager, and Ana Banegas, Community Affairs/Social Media Manager, presented an informative and valuable workshop focusing on some of the following important topics: what identity theft is; how identity thieves operate; who the victims are; how you can protect yourself. Attention was... read more
Sep 23, 2019
Jazz in the Park 2019

We held our first jazz concert in Henrry Hudson Park on September 23rd. It was a gorgeous afternoon and community members from all over the area came out to enjoy the music. The patio under the momument is a perfect location for a concert and the band, made up of world-class jazz musicians and Bronx residents, Eric Alexander, John... read more
Aug 30, 2019
Summer 2019 Concert Series

Last night we completed our 2019 Summer Concert Series. The series was made possible by a New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Cultural Immigrant Initiative Grant awarded to KRVC by Councimember Mark Gjonaj. The grant funds enabled KRVC to produce these concerts in communities throughout the Bronx with large immigrant... read more
Aug 22, 2019
Riverdale Art Association Exhibit Opening at Gallery 505

We had a terrific turnout for the Riverdale Art Association's exhibit opening. The exhibit includes eight artists, Diana Catz, Doris Cordero, Carol Frank, Myra Joyce (pictured above), Lisa Marum, Anne Price, Aija Sears, and Dennis Shelton. It was a beautiful summer evening and everyone enjoyed being outside on our back patio... read more
Aug 06, 2019
National Night Out Festival 2019

We had a fantastic time at the National Night Out/Kingsbridge Festival on August 6th. The weather could not have been more perfect. Hundreds of community members came out to enjoy the afternoon and take in the art and music. We are grateful to the 50th Precinct for co-sponsoring this event with us, and providing the delicious food.... read more