Introducing BAMBA! 

Founded in 2021, the Bailey Avenue Merchants and Business Alliance/BAMBA is comprised of business owners, merchants and other stakeholders located on and near Bailey Avenue and 238th Street in the Bronx.

Click here for our May/June 2021 Newsletter.

BAMBA on News 12! - June 16, 2021

Click here to check out our new BAMBA logo!

Click here for our second meeting held on May 20, 2021.

Click here for our special recognition from Community Board 8.

Clck here for our April/May 2021 Newsletter.

Clck here for our April 29, 2021 Email Blast.

Click here for more on our first meeting held on April 22, 2021!

BAMBA was formed to assist and support the businesses as they recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The longer range goals of BAMBA are to “S.A.V.E.” the business corridor by making it Safe, Attractive, Vibrant and Energetic. 

Click here for our start-up grant news!

For now, BAMBA is being supported by the Kingsbridge-Riverdale-Van Cortlandt Development Corporation/KRVC. KRVC was awarded a Strategic Impact Grant by the New York City Department of Small Business Services/SBS to form and support BAMBA. The grant currently runs through September 30, 2021 with a focus on providing COVID-19 business recovery services. The grant may be extended. 

This just in! KRVC requested and received approval from SBS to include the businesses on 238th Street between Bailey and Broadway in BAMBA! 

Community members who are interested in learning more about BAMBA are invited to contact Tracy Shelton, KRVC’s Executive Director at or at 917-570-9027. 


Presentando BAMBA

Fundada en 2021, Bailey Avenue Merchants and Business Alliance/ BAMBA esta compuesta por propietarios ded negocios, comerciantes, y otras partes interesadas ubicadas en y cerca de Bailey Avenue y W238th Street en el Bronx. BAMBA se formo para ayudar y apoyar a los negocios mientras se recuperan de la pandemia de COVID-19. Los objectivos a largo plazo de BAMBA son “S.A.V.E.” el corredor comercial haciendolo seguro, atractivo, vibrante, y energico.  

BAMBA cuenta con el apoyo de Kingsbrige-Riverdale- Van Cortlandt Development Corporation/ KRVC. KRVC recibio una pequena Subvencion de Impacto Estrategico del Departamento de Servicios para Pequenas Empresas de la Ciudad de Nueva York para formar yapoyar a BAMBA hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2021.  

Los miembros de la communidad que esten intereasados en aprender mas sobre BAMBA estan invitados a comunicarse con Tracy Shelton, directora ejecutiva de KRVC en o al (917) 570-9027.  

Tiene preguntas en espanol? Comuniquese con Laura Levine- Pinedo en o llame (347)483-9102


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