Sep 18, 2016
Fall 2016 Johnson Avenue Street Festival

We started out the day on Sunday, September 18th, setting up the festival and bracing for rain. We had huge tents down the middle of the street for all our exhibitors. The stage was covered. And we were moving ahead rain or shine. It drizzled for a moment before the festival started and then the day was beautiful. People come out... read more
Sep 10, 2016
Vimont Park Movie - A Special Community Evening

KRVC held its annual Vinmont Park Movie Night in Sid Field in North Riverdale. We showed the popular “Inside Out” to over 200 community members who also enjoyed the events other features. Jodi DeCrenza of The Fitness Gallery lead a yoga class on the grass while others played golf on a putting strip. Fortunately, KRVC is able to... read more
Aug 31, 2016
Gala 2016 Tickets On Sale Now!

Get gala updates at our special Gala16 Page. Click here to purchase your tickets online!
Aug 29, 2016
Our New Bus Shelter Ads are Up!

Our September Bus Shelter Ads are Up. Look for our Broadway Bash/Gala16 Ads on 231st and Broadway and at Broadway and 234th Street. Look for our Johnson Avenue Festival Ad (for the second month in a row) on Riverdale Avenue at 236th Street. Look for an... read more
Aug 15, 2016
Great Coverage for KRVC's Jobs Program

Thank you Senator Klein for this great coverage of our new jobs program!
Jul 28, 2016
VIP Photo Gallery Party

There was much to celebrate at KRVC tonight. 6 years of victories plastered on dozens of pictures on the walls featuring more than sixty active community members at KRVC's beautiful new office. Thank you to everyone who attended and for all your ongoing support of our great work.