Local Business

Dec 02, 2012

Holiday Festival 2012

Thousands turned out for an amazing afternoon in South Riverdale!  The day featured live music, a Petting Zoo, Pony Rides and so much more!  Riverdale really brought in the holidays with style with great shopping and food specials throughout the day.  Check out our publications page to view the Festival... read more

Oct 12, 2012

Citibank Honors KRVC at their Kingsbridge Branch

KRVC board and staff members, the Kingsbridge BID manager, Katherine Broihier, and the CB 8 Economic Development Chair, Sergio Villaverde gathered at Citibank for a ceremony to honor KRVC.  KRVC's Executive Director, Tracy McCabe Shelton, was presented with a giant check for $5,000 at the ceremony.  This will make Citibank a major... read more

Apr 26, 2012

Promo Event for the Johnson Avenue Block Festival

Johnson Avenue's Starbucks was the place to be for KRVC's Promo Event for our Upcoming Johnson Avenue Block Festivals.  The event featured music, a clown, sponsors, original art, promo materials and it was covered by the media including BronxNet TV.  Check out our  ... read more

Dec 11, 2011

Woodlawn Holiday Festival

Katonah Avenue was bustling with music, face painting, magic tricks, raffles, the Bronx Culture Trolley and more!  State Senator Klein attended and the event was also covered by News 12. Check out our publications page to see the festival booklet with all the details about this great event!

Nov 20, 2011

Holiday Shopping Shuttle

Our Holiday Shuttle is a huge hit!  Shoppers and store owners enjoy this great community-building experience.  The shuttle captures the attention of the media, allows store owners to show off all they have to offer and gives shoppers a chance to take advantage of great deals just in time for the holidays!  Check out our... read more

Nov 21, 2010

Holiday Shopping Shuttle

Today's Holiday Shopping Shuttle was a HUGE hit with shoppers, business owners and the media!  KRVC also released a Holiday Shopping Guide. The guide is on our publications page and the media coverage including the NY 1 Clip can be found on our clips page.

It was a great... read more
