Local Business
Oct 24, 2010
Fall Funday!

Today, PS 81, the Riverdale Neighborhood House/RNH, State Senator Jeffrey Klein, KRVC and Community Board 8 held a special community event in North Riverdale. The day included many fun Halloween activities, food, music, crafts, games, costumes, fresh produce, including pumpkins and apples, and much, much more.
On the tennis... read more
Oct 20, 2010
North Riverdale Meeting
A second meeting was held this evening for interested merchants and community leaders in North Riverdale. The meeting was well-attended and plans are well underway to form a North Riverdale Merchants Association.
Our publications page contains the news release for this meeting and the our... read more
Sep 30, 2010
Bank Brochure Release at Citibank

Today, at an event organized by KRVC, a Community Bank Brochure was released. This first edition of the guide was funded by Citibank. The release event, which included refreshments, was held at and sponsored by the Citibank Kingsbridge Branch, located at 5660 Broadway. The event was covered by News 12 and local papers.
The... read more
Sep 29, 2010
North Riverale Community Visioning Meeting

Tonight's meeting was the beginning of an initiative spearheaded by KRVC, State Senator Jeff Klein's office and the Riverdale Neighborhood House , where the meeting was held, to form a... read more
Aug 21, 2010
Kids Day at Citibank

Citibank’s Kingsbridge Branch held a Kids Day Event on today and KRVC helped promote the event, which featured cotton candy, face painting, crafts, guitar playing and a special visit from Mr. Met, the colorful mascot for the NY Mets. KRVC also staffed a table at the event. Citibank gave away free “... read more
Jul 28, 2010
Restaurant Guide Released Today!

Today, KRVC released a Community Restaurant Guide at an event held at Jasper’s Restaurant. The event was attended by Council Member G. Oliver Koppell, who funded the guide, and by Tracy Shelton, KRVC’s Executive... read more